Speech and Language Support
Our speech and language team aim to provide advice, help and support for children and young people aged 0 to 19 years old who have difficulties with speech, language, communication and swallowing.
Speech, language and communication skills underpin children’s learning. This resource explains what these terms mean and how they are different from each other. It also includes information on the expected development of children in these areas. Having an understanding of this is important in helping identify when children might be having difficulties and need some extra support.
Tiny Happy People can help you develop your child’s language and communication skills, so they get the best start in life.
We’ll show you why and how you can bond with your child, before they’re born and throughout their early lives – it’s never too early to start.
Our ideas and activities are easy to build into your daily routine. They’re quick and inspiring, but they’re also based on expert advice and evidence, and are proven to help your child’s development.
For 1.9 million children in the UK, learning to talk and understand words feels like an impossible hurdle. So we give children and young people the skills they need so they aren’t left behind, waiting to be understood.
Our progress checker is based on what we know about how babies and children develop skills. Choose the age of the child and then answer the questions. At the end, we will direct you to some helpful advice and resources
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